About Wu Cheng-Chang
Born in Pingtung, Taiwan in 1965, Wu Cheng-Chang graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2000. He is currently teaching at the Department of Visual Communication Design, Ling-Tung University in Taichung, Taiwan. He worked as a photojournalist and photographer at Business Weekly, Taiwan Daily News, Brother Pro-Baseball Magazine and Formosa Plastics Group. He has won many awards including 2014 Observer’s Award and Excellent Work Award in New Media of Kaohsiung Awards, 2012 Grand Prize of Creative Award of Visual Art, 2011 Grand Award of China Lishui International Photography Cultural Festival, 2010 Grand Prize of The Power of Self an image competition (Artists Wanted, New York) and 2009 the Honorable Mention Award of Taipei Arts Awards etc.
His works has been invited to exhibit at the Foundation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz in Arles France(2020), Museum Center Krasnoyarsk in Russia(2019), 2018 London Design Biennale, University Art Museum at Tokyo University of the Arts, Gwangju Museum of Art in Korea, 2012 Singapore International Photography Festival, 2012 Hong Kong International Art Fair, 2011 FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA-SAFOTO International Photography Festival, 2011 China Lishui International Photography Cultural Festival, 2010 2nd Dali International Photography Exhibition, 2010 3rd Novosibirsk International Festival of Contemporary Photography and 2010 Taiwan Biennial etc.
His works have been collected by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan National Center of Photography, Art Bank Taiwan and the Museum Center Krasnoyarsk in Russia etc.
His works has been invited to exhibit at the Foundation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz in Arles France(2020), Museum Center Krasnoyarsk in Russia(2019), 2018 London Design Biennale, University Art Museum at Tokyo University of the Arts, Gwangju Museum of Art in Korea, 2012 Singapore International Photography Festival, 2012 Hong Kong International Art Fair, 2011 FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA-SAFOTO International Photography Festival, 2011 China Lishui International Photography Cultural Festival, 2010 2nd Dali International Photography Exhibition, 2010 3rd Novosibirsk International Festival of Contemporary Photography and 2010 Taiwan Biennial etc.
His works have been collected by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan National Center of Photography, Art Bank Taiwan and the Museum Center Krasnoyarsk in Russia etc.
1965年生於台灣屏東,1992及2000年分別畢業於中國文化大學印刷系及美國賽凡納藝術設計學院攝影研究所,現職為台中市嶺東科技大學視覺傳達設計系助理教授,歷任商業週刊、台灣日報、兄弟職棒雜誌攝影記者及台塑企業專職攝影師。作品曾獲頒2014高雄獎觀察員獎及新媒體藝術類優選、2012第12屆李仲生基金會視覺藝術創作獎、2011中國麗水攝影節大獎、美國紐約The Power of Self藝術獎評審大獎及2009台北美術獎優選等。
作品曾獲邀展出於法國亞爾Manuel Rivera-Ortiz基金會(2020)、俄羅斯克拉斯諾亞爾斯克美術館(2019)、2018倫敦設計雙年展、日本東京藝術大學美術館、韓國光州美術館,2012新加坡國際攝影節、2012香港藝博會、2011美國聖安東尼奧市國際攝影節、2011中國麗水國際攝影節、2010中國第二屆大理國際影會、2010俄羅斯第三屆新西伯利亞國際當代攝影節及2010台灣美術雙年展等。
作品曾獲邀展出於法國亞爾Manuel Rivera-Ortiz基金會(2020)、俄羅斯克拉斯諾亞爾斯克美術館(2019)、2018倫敦設計雙年展、日本東京藝術大學美術館、韓國光州美術館,2012新加坡國際攝影節、2012香港藝博會、2011美國聖安東尼奧市國際攝影節、2011中國麗水國際攝影節、2010中國第二屆大理國際影會、2010俄羅斯第三屆新西伯利亞國際當代攝影節及2010台灣美術雙年展等。